July 27, 2024
and other floors, walls and quilts, towel s and other articles

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Strict management of bathing places. Customers entering the bathing place must strictly implement the temperature measurement, “State Council itinerary Code, Henan Health Code, Lingbao Yitong” three-code check, staff, customers in and out and customers waiting in line to wear masks. The site strictly implements the norms for epidemic prevention and control. Strictly control the number of people entering the store and adopt reservation service as far as possible to avoid crowd gathering. Strictly implement the disinfection system of towels, bathrobes, clothes, slippers and linen. Preventive environmental disinfection should be carried out every day, and public appliances should be disinfected in time when they are contaminated. Close all mahjong rooms, chess and card rooms, cinemas and other leisure and entertainment places in the bath place.

and other floors, walls and quilts, towel s and other articles

After the activity, Kang Jingjing, the security director, and the head teachers made detailed comments and summaries from the familiarity of the route before the activity, the preparation and folding of towels, and the status of teachers and children during the exercise.

4. First-rise: Place the kneaded dough into a lightly greased bowl. Cover it with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let it rise in a warm area for around 1 to 1 陆 hours, or until the dough doubles in size.

This can be seen everywhere in daily life, I have seen familiar, unfamiliar girls, there are too many people do not wash their own face towels every day. This is really very unsanitary. If you are really lazy, you can choose cotton towels or

Avoid alkaline cleaning products (such as soap base) when cleaning, you can choose some cleaning products containing amino acids, which is helpful to maintain the weak acidic environment of the skin and promote the normalization of cutin barrier function. Do not use too hot or too cold water when cleaning, avoid repeated friction stimulation such as towels and facial brushes, and the cleaning frequency is not too high, usually once a night.

* wipe hair with towel 70-80% dry comb hair dryer first blow the scalp and blow down the growth direction of the hair (because the scales on the surface of the hair grow from the root to the end of the hair) so that the hair scales will close the hair and blow it will be very shiny!

In addition to daily drying, disinfection and receiving towels, clothes can also be dried to avoid the growth of bacteria. For example, clothes are not easy to dry in the rainy season, especially in the rainy season in summer, clothes can not be hung out of the balcony, it is really troublesome. If there is an electric towel rack, it can be dried quickly. It is especially suitable for families with children. It usually takes only 1 hour to dry out. Not only that, some electric towel racks can also raise the air temperature of the bathroom in winter, so that the bath environment is not too cold.

Second, patients can use warm water cold compress to relieve itching and discomfort. Clean towels can be soaked and wrung dry, then applied to itchy areas for about 10-15 minutes at a time. Cold compress can help relieve itching and inflammation, making the patient feel cool and comfortable.

Lin Lu, deputy director of the emergency department of the hospital, warned that as the temperature rises gradually, animals such as cats and dogs tend to become manic and bite easily. After being scratched or bitten by an animal, if the wound is not obvious, rinse the wound directly with saline or clean water, then cover the wound with a clean cloth or towel, and go to the hospital as soon as possible.

two。 Do a good job of preventive disinfection of dormitory, toilet and other floors, walls and quilts, towels and other articles surface. Keep indoor ventilation, ventilation at least 3 times a day, 30 minutes each time, pay attention to keep warm when ventilating. Keep the room clean and clean, daily production of garbage is clear, regular sorting and cleaning.

Among them, “Yuba / ceiling products” include Yuba, Liangba, set buckle boards, ventilators, kitchen lights, mirror lights, clothes racks and kitchen accessories, while “bathroom hardware products” include showers, smart toilets, kitchen and bathroom pendants, hot and cold faucets, stainless steel sinks, bathroom accessories and stainless steel electric towel racks.